St. John the Baptist, Hillingdon
Welcome to Hillingdon Family History Society!
There will be a full programme of meetings in place during 2025, some in-person while others will continue to be held via Zoom. In the summer we have reinstated a number of evening meetings. For more details, please consult our 'Meetings' page, which you can access via the 'Calendar' tab on the site menu.
Our next meeting will be at 2.30 pm BST on Thursday 17th April 2025 via Zoom when Claire Moores will be speaking on "Researching Divorce Records".
Hillingdon Family History Society was established in 1987, and exists to promote family history and genealogy and celebrate Hillingdon's past. The Society is affiliated with the Family History Federation, a community of organisations devoted to local history and genealogy (www.familyhistoryfederation.com). Family history is our passion, and we want the joy that genealogical study brings to be widespread.
Anyone is more than welcome to join the society, whether you have a historic family connection to the area, live locally or are simply interested in family history. To find out more about the benefits of being a member, you can visit our Membership page or contact our Membership Secretary.
We encourage amateur researchers to come along to our research rooms where we can provide them with assistance. We also offer a 'research request' service, in which we take on family history research on behalf of others. Please find out more about this under 'Our Services'.
Our society is non-profit making and functions entirely through the work of volunteers. We are always looking for kind volunteers willing to put aside some time to help us run the society. If you are interested in providing voluntary work for the society, please contact our secretary.
Should you have any queries, please find contact details for our Executive Committee on the Contact page.